Rebuilt My Blog Again - This Time It's True Love!

I've lost count of how many times I've rebuilt my blog. Over the years, I've tried many approaches:

  • Built from scratch, but wasn't happy with it - too much hassle to manage
  • Open-source frameworks, but couldn't customize enough, didn't find one I really liked
  • Third-party platforms, still not enough customization. Surprisingly, Github Issues was the best among them
  • ...

Last time, I was so confident about Hugo. Spent several days building, styling, and customizing pages. But some details still bothered me, like auto language redirect and other stuff.

A few days ago, after finishing some busy work, that rebuild idea started creeping up again.

This time, I developed the entire blog from scratch. Tried many design options, but realized I still prefer minimalist style the most.

During this process, I rethought about what my blog means to me. Rather than just a writing platform, it's more like a space to express myself.

So finally, I built it like this - with multiple languages and some automated management. And I really love this style.

Is this the last time I'll rebuild it? :P